Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Travels So Far

We started off on Saturday by dropping off the car at my cousin's and then catching the SkyTrain system down to the cruise terminal.  The US security was obnoxious at times but we did get through quickly, not like all the others holding passports that were not US or Canadian.  They were held up for over an hour and a half.

The cruise line people did a marvellous job and we were in our cabin, Caribe deck, by noon time, so dear hubby and I went down to the dining room for a leisurely lunch.  After muster drill, we met up at one of the bars for the Cruise Critic get together.  We all wore masks.  I had a purple one on while my better half had the best Dralion mask of all!  So appropriate for this cruise!

Weather in Vancouver when we left:  sunshine!!!! Yeah.

We have been to two productions shows so far and have enjoyed them both.  We are dancing to a band called Evolution (not as enjoyable as our previous band, Indigo) but danceable.  Last night was Rock and Roll night which was fun.  We even knew some of the songs for the 1950's Trivia event.

We have met many nice people on board, mainly Aussies and fellow Canadians.  Very friendly and they all love to talk!

Weather since we left Vancouver:  cold and windy with occasional showers.  We sat one day on the balcony because it was so warm.  We enjoy our reading time there plus our wine, may it be red, white or even, can you believe it, screwdrivers?

Till the next post; we have visited Ketchikan and Juneau, Skagway tomorrow, then off to see glaciers.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Packing Again

First post on my new blog.  Hopefully everyone will be able to read this new blog (major issues with my former one) 
Dear Hubby and I have suitcases almost packed and ready to go.  We will start off with summer-like weather but we realize it will change to mitts, toques, and winter jackets before we hit our major destination.
Keep checking in once in a while for more info as we set 'sail' soon!